Monday, April 19, 2010

Transplant Time!

Woke up early to get to the plot before it got too warm and sunny to transplant.  However, I spent two hours preparing and marking out the beds before I could even start on transplants.  Nevertheless, the collards and broccoli are transplanted, and the spinach, baby choi, and green onions are all seeded.  Just under half of the plants are in, and it's not even May. Hooray for early veggies!

I used some of this fish emulsion fertilizer mixed with water to assist my tiny transplants in surviving the shock of their new situation.  I also made sure to water my plants while in the middle of covering them with soil.  In this way, less H2O is lost to evaporation and more is left to take care of the plants.

Will update more with pics soon!


  1. When do we get to eat!

  2. Soon... why don't you make some cold frame collards for dinner? :)
