I had to go and get married and do that whole thing so I've been putting the garden on the back burner. Yesterday, however, I found myself drawn to the outdoors even more than usual and realized it was time to get back to the plot. It was a crisp, overcast day, leaves were falling and I had nothing much to do besides write hoards of thank you notes. I needed a break so I gathered some envelopes, scissors, marker, tape, camera, harvest basket and boots.
Here is what I came across:
Besides the beets and lettuce shown in the pictures, the tomatoes, peppers, squash, and basil are all still producing. I harvested seeds from the marigolds, cosmos, zinnias, and cilantro. Next will be the sunflowers and basil. I plan to let the seeds dry out and then create my own little seed library to use for next planting season! Seeds, seeds everywhere!
Thanks for the knowledgeable post. Your post will be more helpful for making my lifestyle better.
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