Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Time for Tomatillos

I won't complain about getting rain, but I will say that it is really hard to get a garden going with such soggy soil. Along with the rain delays, I am preparing to be out of town for 28 of the next 36 days and I'm feeling a little time crunched...there's just no time for the tomatillos! The poor tomatillos have been waiting patiently for weeks...they are almost a foot tall! I would love nothing more than to tuck them into their new home, but it's just too wet. One thing to be happy about is that the weed cover worked. We took it up yesterday to help the soil dry out faster and when we pulled it back, there was nothing there, only hundreds of wiggling worms! It was great to know no weeding would be necessary for this soil prep. However, I didn't feel like prepping mud so I put off transplanting for another day. I will also have to find room for all of the eggplants as the prolific tomatillos will be taking up the space I had allotted for both species.

Hopefully, before driving 6 hours tomorrow, I will get a chance to pop in as many plants as possible. Another hope is that I will be able to get a few things done in the garden on those 8 full days scattered throughout June when I return home.

I'm including photos of the growth so far...it is starting to look more like a garden each day!

These are those poor tomatillos I was talking about.

The first (and probably only) strawberry of the season.


Mud that was under the weed cover

Leaf Lettuce


  1. Poor tomatillos! Can you set them out in larger containers until you get back?
    That was the only plant that I couldn't find for my garden.

  2. Hi Rose, well I actually got them in tonight after work was done and the sun went down! Thanks for your concern...they were screaming to be put in real earth. I purchased my tomatillos as seed from Seed Savers Exchange online. They germinated very well! Don't you just love their taste? Thanks for your comment :)
