Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cap and Trade Effect on Farmers

Great article by Ed Morrissey on Hotair.com about a Texas A&M study on the effects of the Cap and Trade bill in Congress. The House passed the bill with a complete partisan vote. Good thing the bill is stalled in the Senate.

Here's Ed Morrissey's piece: Hotair
In the study it states that corn and soybean farmers will prosper the most from the bill. Pretty much all other farmers are going to suffer setbacks. We all need more corn and soy!!!...I kid.

There's another great article from the Richmond Times-Dispatch; I urge you to read it. It's about the democrats beginning to oppose the cap and trade bill in the Senate. Here's a snippet.

"Cap-and-trade is too volatile, complex, and susceptible to manipulation to sustain the needed investment milieu. Because of these inherent problems, even "green" groups like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace came out against the bill.
It's simply at odds with our self-interest.
By imposing arbitrary caps on carbon emissions from traditional energy sources, a cap-and-trade system would drive up fuel and electricity prices. The bill's national building code would drastically increase the price of new construction, making home ownership a pipe dream for millions of working-class Americans.
Just to meet the emissions cap set for 2020, we would have to achieve the equivalent of doubling the fuel efficiency of every car on the road or building more than 100 new nuclear power plants."

Here's the complete article: Richmond Times-Dispatch

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