Thursday, May 13, 2010

"It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato." - Lewis Grizzard

Oh the lovely tomato!
What a happy Monday I had transplanting my precious tomato plants in the breezy 67 degree partly sunny weather!  What a beautiful day for transplanting!  The tomatoes still look happy and so do I!

I planted 12 tomatoes and 6 marigolds in all.  We have 3 Sweet 100, 3 Better Boy, 3 Cherokee Purple, 1 Green Zebra, and 2 Yellow Pear!  Their semi-fresh, semi-earthy frangrance covered my hands until I finally gave in to washing.  It's hard to explain how delighted I am to have the tomatoes in the ground.  Nothing compares to that homegrown taste.

Here are a few pics of the day!

The prepared bed.

When planting tomatoes, you can cover up all of the bottom leaves...this will help the transplant establish itself faster and be healthier.

Nothing else is really worth mentioning, but I'll share some more non-tomato snapshots anyway.

Barn swallow buddies

A baby sunflower!

The beginning of a strawberry I hope to savor some warm June day.


  1. Hi Carin, I enjoy reading your blog! I wanted to comment on planting Cosmos - they are one of my favorite flowers and a very old garden flower. My grandmother and great-grandmother loved cosmos and always had them in their gardens. I started a small flower bed many years ago in their memory and of course planted cosmos. Much to my surprise the next year, those "annuals" had self-seeded and were back in full force! Even for a year or two after that, I would find a small cosmo growing in a nearby flower bed. So hope you enjoy this lovely flower and keep up the good work with your blog! And hello to Chris! Hugs to you, Sharon Johnson

  2. Hugs to you Mrs. Johnson!

    I am so happy to know that you are liking my little project...I am enjoying myself, too! Your story about the cosmos is so sweet...what a lovely memorial to the important women in your family. Gretchen has always told me about your incredible gardening; maybe it's your turn to blog and share some techniques?

    Thanks so much for commenting and hope to hear more of your stories :)

